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해리슨 블로그

durumis Development - Part 3: Gemini Pro

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • We have developed various automated features in durumis using Google's dedicated AI chip Gemini Pro.
  • Gemini Pro has implemented features such as website URL generation, article summarization, description generation, topic extraction, and automatic classification.
  • We plan to develop more features in the future and are looking forward to the participation and interest of our users.

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durumis has developed various features using Gemini Pro.

Gemini Pro, the next-generation LLM that Google is actively promoting, is designed with Google's AI-specific chip called TPU, unlike other existing LLMs, and it's being provided as a service at a relatively low price.

(The price difference between each LLM is quite significant, and we will cover that in a future article.)

So, what features has durumis implemented using Gemini Pro?

Here are several features:

1. When we enter a website, we need a URL, right? The English address of that URL is automatically generated by AI.

If we write the title in a language other than English, it automatically translates that title into English and creates a URL-friendly address.

The reason is that search engines also refer to the information in the URL. This is done to make it easier to be exposed in search results.

However, it's difficult to manually create this one by one in English, so we're relying on AI to help us.

2. The summary at the bottom is also done by AI.

It summarizes the content to provide a brief understanding of the article.

It's like a summary at the bottom after reading the entire article.

3. The description of the article in the article list is also done by AI.

This is the "description" that search engines primarily refer to when understanding the article.

This description is not something we write ourselves when writing an article but is generated by AI in a form most suitable for search engines to refer to.

Post list

Article list

4. It generates topics.

It's a kind of hashtag for the article, automatically generating and recommending keywords related to the article.

5. It automatically classifies articles.

Currently, the categories are [ Travel ], [ Beauty ], [ Food ], [ Entertainment ], [ IT ], [ Life ], [ Other ]. AI automatically classifies and groups articles based on these categories.

If the categories increase in the future, it will automatically redistribute them to the new categories.

6. Finally, the related articles at the bottom of the article are displayed by AI by classifying similar articles.

It shows the most similar and close articles!

We have prepared these features so far, and we are constantly preparing more features.

Are you curious to see how much durumis will evolve using Gemini Pro?

If you're curious, sign up and participate in writing articles!

해리슨 블로그
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